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Voting in America

Why aren't Americans voting? And what is the fate of our democracy if we can't even convince a majority of citizens to participate in one of the most important, defining acts of a democratic society? Voting in America is a provocative collection of nine short films that aim to increase voter participation in the 2004 elections - particularly among historically marginalized constituencies like communities of color, formerly incarcerated individuals, single mothers and youth.



Co-produced by Laura Harrison and Charlotte Lagarde

9 short films - 83:00 - 2004

Aired on PTV and Free Speech TV





“Truly engaging. Real feelings, real people, anecdotal and not preachy.The featured people were able to communicate succinctly about voting,and always in a culturally relevant way.”

Jennifer Bonardi, Democracy Matters


“Powerful! They demonstrated how far advocates and activists must reach in order to really make change.”

Lisa Prosienski, Common Cause


“A very good example of how the electoral system in this country is not as democratic as people think.”

Laura Mullins, ACORN


“It will inspire voters to vote and motivate citizens to volunteer forget out the vote efforts”

Dean Liscum, Get Out The Vote coordinator for Ft. Bend County





James & Marina Harrison, The Ben & Jerry's Foundation, The Nu Lambda Trust, Karen & Bill Froming, Victor Romero & Michael Dunn, The Lagarde Charitable Trust, Don & Gayle Nathe, Mr. & Mrs. James W. Growney, The LEF Foundation, Vivie Lee & Kate Goka, Suzanne Lampert & Barbara Brenner, Lee Ann Slinkard, The Blue Mountain Center, Friends Committee on National Legislation, and many individual donors (A complete list of donors is available from Swell Cinema).


Developed in association with the Independent Television Services (ITVS) with funding provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB).

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